Friday, July 4, 2008

Wine Bottle Gift Bag v1.0

Materials: Worsted Weight Yarn- roughly 50 grams
Needles: Size US 8 or size needed to reach gauge (DPN's to start, switching to straights for the neck)
Gauge: 18sts x 24 r = 4"x4"

CO 6 stitches and join the round.

Knit 1 round.
*K1, YO, K1* repeat to end - 9 sts.
Knit 1 round.
*K1, KFB, K1* repeat to end - 12 sts.
Knit 1 round.
*K1, KFB, KFB, K1* repeat to end - 18 sts.
*KFB, K4, KFB* repeat to end - 24 sts.
*K2, KFB, KFB, KFB, KFB, K2* repeat to end - 36 sts.
*KFB, K10, KFB* repeat to end - 42 sts.
Knit 2 rounds.

row 1: k1,p1,*k5,p1; repeat to last 4 stitches; k4
row 2: *k1,p1,k1,yo,sl1,k2tog,psso,yo; repeat to end
row 3&4: repeat row 1

Basically, you have a k1,p1,k1 rib then the lace pattern on row two, all other rows are k1,p1,k1 rib then k3. The rib should be unbroken to the top of the bag.

When you reach the desired length to hit the neck of the bottle (usually about 8 inches) you switch to the neck instructions bellow. It is suggested to put in a lifeline or waste yarn and slip the project onto your intended bottle to check it. I tend to knit to gauge and the yarn I was using has 24 rows to 4 inches, or 6 rows to the inch. I placed my opening at 8 inches, which means I did about 48 rows before testing the fit and it was near perfect.

Here is a rough chart of the above pattern:

^ =Knit
- =Purl
o =Yarn Over
3 =Sl1,k2tog,psso

Neck:  (This part is knit flat)
--You have an option here, if you can backwards knit, I suggest you do, if not you will turn your work and purl the knit stitches as per usual.

k2tog, k1 to last two stitches, k2tog

Four rows of this should be fine.
Check to make sure you have an even number of stitches.

RS row 1: *yo,k2tog; repeat to end. (this is the row the ribbon will go through)
WS row 2: p round (if knitting backwards, k round)
RS row 3: *k2, m1; *repeat to end
WS row 4: *P2, m1; *repeat to end (if knitting backwards, *k2, m1; *repeat to end)

Repeat rows 3 and 4 five times or until you think your ruffles are big enough.

Bind off a bit tight to encourage the ruffling.
Put a plastic bag over your bottle, wash or dampen the finished project, and place knitted bag over bottle in a secure and breezy area to set. When it is dry, work your ribbon into the yarn over holes, pull tight and tie a bow in the front of the bottle.


Anonymous said...

The first row of the neck: K1P1 *K5P1* Repeat til the end, leaves you with four extra stitches.
Let me know!

Quasipsyco said...

From the paragraph that follows the pattern: "on row two, all other rows are k1,p1,k1 rib then k3"
So you shouldn't have 4 extra stitches, but rather you should continue the pattern through those 4 then do row 2 at the beginning of the next round.
The rib should remain unbroken to the top.

Hope this helps! Feel free to post again if you have further questions!

Quasipsyco said...

I updated the pattern and added a chart! Thanks for your feedback!

On the Needles

  • Lacy Shrug with Fluffy Cuffs
  • cat toys
  • Scarf to go with gloves
  • Entrelac Blanket