Monday, May 11, 2009

A missing weekend

I went to Maryland Sheep and Wool.

It was my first fiber fest and I had a blast.

As soon as the morning rain stopped (right after we caved in to get the umbrella out of the car) out came the camera!
Pictures of baby sheep, baby bunnies and baby goats were snapped. Pics of the crowded Ravelry Meetup were taken. I even snapped a few of the sheep dog event and my friend Michelle who was on the trip with me.

I would love to share them with you, I really would.
Unfortunately, the only pics that are on the card are the ones of my friend Michelle.

I know I took pictures. I remember fidgeting with the flash and the exposure when trying to get some nice shots of the lambs behind the big (really crowded) tent that had so many different fibers, books, yarns and a register in the back of the tent.
Strong is the memory of fighting against poor lighting to take pics of the baby French Angora rabbits that I did not buy even when my friend taunted me.
I took the picture to prove how good a roommate I was by not buying them.
No such photo exists.
Nothing of the fest exist except my memories and my fibers (which I shall post about in a different post).

It is sooooo not fair.

1 comment:

Cheryl in AZ said...

major bummer. But in the long run, the memories are better. :)

On the Needles

  • Lacy Shrug with Fluffy Cuffs
  • cat toys
  • Scarf to go with gloves
  • Entrelac Blanket